lista de links para recursos online gratuitos
Uma lista de links para recursos online gratuitos
- Professor: Fraser Jackson
The Edinburgh Centenary Series grew out of the Edinburgh 2010
conference. Initially conceived as a modest attempt to capture the key
themes and outcomes of the conference, the series grew to 35 volumes
with over 600 contributors from every part of the global church. It has
been critically acclaimed by leading mission scholars.
Lutheran World Federation (LWF), in collaboration with the Beyers Naudé Centre for Public Theology at Stellenbosch University and the Berlin Institute for Public Theology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, have developed a series of lectures on public theology.
- Professor: Fraser Jackson
A list of theological resources dealing with how the church should react to the Covid-19 outbreak.
- Professor: Fraser Jackson
These resources are licensed by NetACT and only available to enrolled members of NetACT partner institutions.
- Professor: Fraser Jackson