Topic outline
The Edinburgh Centenary Series grew out of the Edinburgh 2010 conference. Initially conceived as a modest attempt to capture the key themes and outcomes of the conference, the series grew to 35 volumes with over 600 contributors from every part of the global church. It has been critically acclaimed by leading mission scholars.
It should be clear that material published in this series deliberately reflects a diverse range of views and positions. These do not necessarily represent those of the series’ editors or of the Edinburgh 2010 General Council, but in publishing them Regnum hopes to encourage conversation between Christians and collaboration in mission. All the volumes in the series are commended for study and reflection by both churches and academies.
These online versions have been made available by The Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS).
This link takes you to the OCMS page containing a link to each volume. Alternatively you can download individual volumes by clicking the links below. (Please note that the descriptions below are taken from the volumes.)
Volumes 1-12
(Kerr, David A. & Kenneth R. Ross (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2009.)
No one can hope to fully understand the modern Christian missionary movement without engaging substantially with the World Missionary Conference, held at Edinburgh in 1910. This book is the first to systematically examine the eight Commissions which reported to Edinburgh 1910 and gave the conference much of its substance and enduring value. It will deepen and extend the reflection being stimulated by the upcoming centenary and will kindle the missionary imagination for 2010 and beyond.
(Balia, Daryl & Kirsteen Kim (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2010.)
This volume includes reports of the nine main study groups working on different themes for the celebration of the centenary of the World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh 1910. Their collaborative work brings together perspectives that are as inclusive as possible of contemporary world Christianity and helps readers to grasp what it means in different contexts to be ‘witnessing to Christ today’.
(Kim, Kirsteen & Andrew Anderson (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2011.)
There are moments in our lives when we come to realise that we are participating in the triune God’s mission. If we believe the church to be as sign and symbol of the reign of God in the world, then we are called to witness to Christ today by sharing in God’s mission of transforming and reconciling mission of love to the whole creation.
(Währisch-Oblau, Claudia & Fidon Mwombeki (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2010.)
In May 2009, 35 theologians from Asia, Africa and Europe met in Wuppertal, Germany, for a consultation on mission theology organized by the United Evangelical Mission: Communion of 35 Churches in Three Continents. The aim was to participate in the 100th anniversary of the Edinburgh conference through a study process and reflect on the challenges for mission in the 21st century. This book brings together these papers written by experienced practitioners from around the world.
(Woolnough, Brian & Wonsuk Ma (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2010.)
Holistic mission, or integral mission, implies God is concerned with the whole person, the whole community, body, mind and spirit. This book discusses the meaning of the holistic gospel, how it has developed, and implications for the church. It takes a global, eclectic approach, with 19 writers, all of whom have much experience in, and commitment to, holistic mission. It addresses critically and honestly one of the most exciting, and challenging, issues facing the church today. To be part of God’s plan for God’s people, the church must take holistic mission to the world.
(Engelsviken, Tormod, Erling Lundeby & Dagfinn Solheim (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2011.)
The New Testament church is... universal and local at the same time. The universal, one and holy apostolic church appears in local manifestations. Missiologically speaking... the church can take courage as she faces the increasing impact of globalisation on local communities today. Being universal and concrete, the church is geared for the simultaneous challenges of the glocal and local.
(Pachuau, Lalsangkima & Knud Jørgensen (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2011.)
In a world where plurality of faiths is increasingly becoming a norm of life, insights on the theology of religious plurality are needed to strengthen our understanding of our own faith and the faith of others. It can be claimed that no other issue in Christian mission is more important and more difficult than the theologies of religions.
(Behera, Marina Ngurusangzeli (ed.). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2011.)
The essays of this book reflect not only the acceptance and celebration of pluralism within India but also by extension an acceptance as well as a need for unity among Indian Christians. The essays were presented and studied at a preparatory consultation on Study Theme II: Christian Mission Among Other Faiths at the United Theological College, India July 2009.
(Snodderly, Beth & A Scott Moreau (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2011.)
This important volume demonstrates that 100 years after the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, Evangelism has become truly global. Twenty-first-century Evangelism continues to focus on frontier mission, but significantly, and in the spirit of Edinburgh 1910, it also has re-engaged social action.
(Olsen, Rolv (ed). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2011.)
This volume takes on meaning because its authors honestly struggle with and debate how we should relate to postmodernities. Should our response be accommodation, relativizing or counter-culture? How do we strike a balance between listening and understanding, and at the same time exploring how postmodernities influence the interpretation and application of the Bible as the normative story of God’s mission in the world?
(Fagerli, Beate, Knud Jørgensen, Rolv Olsen, Kari Storstein Haug & Knut Tveitereid (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2012.)
Cross-cultural mission has always been a primary learning experience for the church.Translating the Gospel into new languages and cultures is a human and divine means of making us learn new ‘incarnations’ of the Good News.
(Ross, Cathy (ed). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2012.)
It is clear from the essays collected here that the experience of the 2010 World Mission Conference in Edinburgh was both affirming and frustrating for those taking part - affirming because of its recognition of how the centre of gravity has moved in global Christianity; frustrating because of the relative slowness of so many global Christian bodies to catch up with this and to embody it in the way they do business and in the way they represent themselves. These reflections will - or should - provide plenty of food for thought in the various councils of the Communion in the coming years.
Volumes 13-24
(Wild-Wood, Emma & Peniel Rajkumar (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2012.)
This volume provides an important resource for those wishing to gain an overview of significant issues in contemporary missiology whilst understanding how they are applied in particular contexts.
(Ma, Wonsuk & Kenneth R. Ross (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2013.)
This book argues for the primacy of spirituality in the practice of mission. Since God is the primary agent of mission and God works through the power of the Holy Spirit, it is through openness to the Spirit that mission finds its true character and has its authentic impact.
Bevans, Stephen (ed). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2013.)
A Century of Catholic Mission surveys the complex and rich history and theology of Roman Catholic Mission in the one hundred years since the 1910 Edinburgh World Mission Conference. Essays written by an international team of Catholic mission scholars focus on Catholic Mission in every region of the world, summarize church teaching on mission before and after the watershed event of the Second Vatican Council, and reflect on a wide variety of theological issues.
(Schreiter, Robert & Knud Jørgensen (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2013.)
There is hope - even if it is "Hope in a Fragile World", as the concluding chapter of Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation puts it. At the very heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ is a message of hope and reconciliation. Nothing could be more relevant and more necessary in a broken world than this Christian message of hope and reconciliation.
(Vassiliadis, Petros (ed). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2013.)
Orthodox Perspectives on Mission is both a humble tribute to some great Orthodox theologians, who in the past have provided substantial contribution to contemporary missiological and ecumenical discussions, and an Orthodox input to the upcoming 2013 Busan WCC General Assembly. There is a long history of similar contributions by the Orthodox before all the major ecumenical events. The collected volume is divided into two parts: Part I under the subtitle The Orthodox Heritage consists of a limited number of representative Orthodox missiological contributions of the past, whereas Part II includes all the papers presented in the Plenary of the recent Edinburgh 2010 conference, as well as the short studies and contributions prepared during the Edinburgh 2010 ongoing study process.
(Hoggarth, Pauline, Fergus MacDonald, Bill Mitchell & Knud Jørgensen (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2013.)
"The Bible is alive – it has hands and grabs hold of me, it has feet and runs after me". To the authors of Bible in Mission, the Bible is the book of life, and mission is life in the Word. This core reality cuts across the diversity of contexts and hermeneutical strategies represented in these essays. The authors are committed to the boundary-crossings that characterize contemporary mission – and each sees the Bible as foundational to the missio Dei, to God’s work in the world.
(Rajkumar, Peniel J R, Joseph Dayam & I P Asheervadham (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2013.)
This book revisits the 'hi-stories' of Mission from the 'bottom up' paying critical attention to people, perspectives and patterns that have often been elided in the construction of mission history. Focusing on the mission story of Christian churches in the South Indian state of Abdhra Pradesh, where Christianity is predominantly Dalit in its composition, this collection of essays, ushers its readers to re-shape their understanding of the landscape of mission history by drawing their attention to the silences and absences within pre-dominant historical accounts.
(Ma, Wonsuk, Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu & Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2014.)
Although Pentecostalism worldwide represents the most rapidly growing missionary movement in Christian history, only recently scholars from within and outside the movement have begun academic reflection on the mission. This volume represents the coming of age of emerging scholarship of various aspects of the Pentecostal mission, including theological, historical, strategic, and practical aspects. The more than 20 authors from all five continents, men and women, academicians, mission leaders, and practitioners, offer exciting perspectives on Pentecostal movements' contributions to the search of Christian unity in various global contexts.