Volume 5 - Holistic Mission : God's Plan for God's People
(Woolnough, Brian & Wonsuk Ma (eds). Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2010.)
Holistic mission, or integral mission, implies God is concerned with the whole person, the whole community, body, mind and spirit. This book discusses the meaning of the holistic gospel, how it has developed, and implications for the church. It takes a global, eclectic approach, with 19 writers, all of whom have much experience in, and commitment to, holistic mission. It addresses critically and honestly one of the most exciting, and challenging, issues facing the church today. To be part of God’s plan for God’s people, the church must take holistic mission to the world.
Clique na hiperligação https://www.ocms.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Holistic-Mission-final-WM.pdf para abrir o URL.